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“I remember it being a curiously bewildering phase. A period when I was beginning to feel excluded from the mainstream activities of my family…but it took me a...

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These Women Took On Male-Dominated Workplaces And Emerged Inspirational Winners!

Access to sustainable paid employment is the key to women’s empowerment and capacity to exercise control over their lives. The Beijing Platform for Action had underli...

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SMS Contraceptive- Condoms Are Just A Click Away

What does it take for a startup to break-even within a month of its launch? The secret is to sell a product which is high on demand, but has supply barriers. SMS Contracept...

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Two-thirds of Australians think reef crisis is 'national emergency' – poll

More than two-thirds of Australians think the condition of the Great Barrier Reef should be declared a “national emergency” and support much stronger measures t...

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No Dark Sarcasm In The Classroom

“The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”&nb...

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How Neha Bagaria Enables Women To Meaningfully Restart Their Careers After A Break

Neha Bagaria through her platform, Jobs for Her, helps women who are often inhibited by internal and external barriers, to advance their professional lives after a career b...

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Great Barrier Reef: Why Are Government And Business Perpetuating The Big Lie?

Great Barrier Reef historian Iain McCalman wrote that the new measures
“deliberately ignore the dire long-term threats to the reef that are contained i...

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A Higgs Boson Scientist Created A Fertility App That's As Effective As The Pill

Over the past century or so, women have increasingly gained access to a growing range of family-planning options that are much more reliable than the ages-old “r...

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The Great Barrier Reef Is Under Severe Stress – But Not Dead Yet

Reports of the death of the Great Barrier Reef have been greatly exaggerated, scientists have said, after the publication of an “obituary” for the vas...

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TBI Blogs: Why The Proposed Amendment To The Maternity Benefits Act Is Being Hailed As A Win For Women’s Rights

Workplaces tend to view an employee’s pregnancy as, at best, an inconvenience to the business and, at worst, a career-ending sentence. From time to time, women across...

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