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Philippines celebrates differences through Grand Peace Festival

On 15th February, a grand peace festival was organized under the theme of “We are One for Peace to Attain Sustainable Development...

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Decoding Girl Talk

The sangeet ritual at an Indian wedding used to be a time for women to get together and sing traditional songs, away from th...

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Cintaa’s ActFest is a Tribute to the Artiste

World’s first festival for the actors, by the actors.

On February 15 and 16, 2019 actors wi...

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The Sundance Film Festival 2019 has several films sold already

The 2019 Sundance Film Festival began on January 24 and is scheduled to run through February 3 2019. The annual film festival is designed to sh...

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World Economic Forum attempts to integrate gender and equality into broader discussions

On the night of 22nd January (Tuesday), JPMorgan chief Jamie Dimon checked in to the Panorama Hotel in Davos to have an informal discussio...

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A Record 102 Women create history after being sworn into the US Congress

A record of 102 women elected to US Congress made history on Thursday. The new congresspeople who took the oath of office in the US House of Re...

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Underwater Robots to set right the damaged Great Barrier Reef

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which houses a range of diverse species, are struggling to survive due to the scorching heat and rapid increment in temperatures. Glob...

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Books to read in the New Year

Here is a list of must-read fiction and non-fiction coming out in the year 2019.

Non-Fiction – 2019

The very first on the list stands...

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Women protest in an unconventional way by shaving their Heads

Four wives of most prominent rights lawyers and activists have shaved their heads in protest over the “persecution” of their h...

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Entertainment Achievers shine at The World Marketing Summit India 2018

The World Marketing Summit India 2018 and Kotler Awards of Excellence held on 22 December 2018 in New Delhi were on the theme Industry 4.0 - Transformative Mar...

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