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Thought Factory : Tedious Terrains

“Landscape is   . . .   
devoid of chance, and every falling leaf fulfils, as it falls, one of the greatest laws of the universe.”


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“The next time you have oral sex or masturbate, know that you are committing a crime. The section 377 criminalizes all except penis-vaginal sex. Think about it. And i...

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Collective Comatose

377. Unnatural offences: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with impris...

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Poignant portrait of well-known Indian Tamil poet Salma. She spent twenty-five years of her life behind closed doors, at first in her e...

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Stan Lee to be a part of TEDxGateway for the first time in Mumbai

To discuss his first Indian Superhero, CHAKRA THE INVINCIBLE!

Mumbai, December, 2013: Stan Lee, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer of POW! Entertainment and the co...

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True Review:Television

The first day of the last month of the year 2013, NDTV telecast a day long telethon Our Girls Our Pride. A soul stirring initiative, indeed. It was a most eye-opening telec...

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‘Ultimate Gay Fighter’ Video Game to be Released By Handsome Woman Productions

In a similar format to the classic “Street Fighter,” “Ultimate Gay Fighter” will bring characters such as Bardwell the Leather Bear, voguer Devon De...

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Truth or Dare…? The Alchemy of Desire Deconstructed

I am completely compelled and driven by an intense need to write this piece because I’m no longer now, able to be in denial of the force driving me to give some persp...

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Watch the ideas take shape, as the city holds the 4th edition of TEDxGateway

~ 26 influential speakers share their innovations for the first time in India ~


~ ...

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Garlic Tales

The day shimmered in the April heat. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes whizzed or trundled past, making the service road shudder at regular intervals. This made for a slight...

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