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The Guru: Gautam Rajadhyaksha (1950-2011)

Khalid Mohamed writes on the imperishable legacy of the pioneering photographer of celebrity portraits.

Take some!

Humra  Quraishi tells the story of a young boy who was angry that his hen was killed to f...

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Echoes of 'Black Lives Matter' in India

The unrest, the carnage, the protests that shook Trump’s America a few weeks ago, seems to be echoing in India too - though the tremors a...

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Tara Kaushal: Why Men Rape

Vinta Nanda interviews author Tara Kaushal, on the eve of the release of her book Why Men Rape...

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An Interlude

Sathya Saran talks about her journey when writing on Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia and she shares an excerpt from the book she h...

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Not really needed now!

Why talk about the past… why talk of the future. Who knows what more is there… yet to be seen! - Humr...

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If I were a migrant worker

Vinta Nanda, inspired by a conversation with her friend K’ab, wonders how it would be if we were to be ...

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Yosemite: A Travelogue

Bhooma Sundararajan transports you to Yosemite and brings you back from an exhilarating journey from there.

Dog Intelligence: A believe-it-or-not story

Abhinav Krishan writes on how ‘telepathic communication’ helped him to find his lost Labrador, after a four-month ...

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