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Jack Ryan: How to catch a terrorist?

Cast: John Krasinski, Abbie Cornish, Wendell Pierce, Ali Suliman, Dina Shihabi, Amir El-Masry Read More

Kerala Floods: Shame how we Indians politicised a National Calamity and Tragedy

As weeks of wild weather smashed into the north-western Australian coast in February 2018, and record summer ra...

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Point of View: From Streets to Table

Nothing reflects a culture as its cuisine. Here’s a perspective on India’s food culture....

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Why Modi Government's Renaming Frenzy is a Political Act of Invasion

You have a right to name that which you have built. But no right to rename that which has been built by oth...

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Third Pole, World’s third-largest mass of Frozen Fresh Water in Danger

We've all heard of the North Pole and the South, the world’s two polar regions. However, there is a regio...

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Shades of Saffron in Good Faith

Saba Naqvi, an accomplished and admired journalist in India, has always fascinated me. I’ve been watching her on prime-time television de...

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Concerns about Sexual Assault and Harassment at Music Festivals

Music festivals are events where you can unwind, enjoy listening to performances by a variety of artists, down ...

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The Alchemy of Fear, Superstition and why India should be led by a Coalition Government?

The Modi-led BJP came to power in 2014, after three decades that any political party of India got a majority in...

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Want to have a Productive Day, Start Early

This is more of an era of the night owls than the early birds. Chances are you are amongst those who binge on t...

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An Urgent Need to Ban Use of One-Time Plastic

The Indian government has pledged to ban all single-use plastics by 2022, in a move which has been welcomed by ...

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