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Global Warming:The top 5 climate science and policy developments to watch in 2015

2014 was widely seen as a breakthrough year when decision-makers finally turned the corner in the effort to avert runaway climate change. Agreements on climate change?to pa...

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Will 2015 Be The Tipping Point For Climate Change Action, Or Was It 2014?

2015 may quite possibly be the year that the world finally wakes up and responds to the challenge of climate change. 2014 provided a glimpse of what the new year may hold I...

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Why is the World aiming for Sustainability?

To decide the narrative for this article has been quite a task. There are so many approaches to address the issue at hand, I could have been the cynic and looked back on al...

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The Year of Sustainable Development

The year 2015 will be our generation’s greatest opportunity to move the world toward sustainable development. Three high-level negotiations between July and December ...

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The Year of Sustainable Development

The year 2015 will be our generation?s greatest opportunity to move the world toward sustainable development. Three high-level negotiations between July and December can re...

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Communities Find Solutions to Tackling Climate Change in Flood Hit Areas in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is among the most vulnerable countries to flooding and climate change impacts. Innovative community-driven adaptations are building climate change resiliency. Ar...

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US and India to announce joint climate change action during Obama visit

America and India will unveil joint efforts to fight climate change when Barack Obama visits New Delhi next month, as the US tries to keep up the momentum of international ...

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India cheers its victory at climate change talks in Lima

The Lima agreement asks nations to commit to reducing greenhouse gases but recognizes that developing countries have 'differentiated responsibilities After 13 days of inten...

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International law stays silent on the responsibility for climate change

The United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as the 1992 agreement is known, has sent a yearly caravan of politicians, activists and lawyers to some of the worl...

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India committed to global fight against climate change: Javadekar

Minister of State for Environment, Forests and Climate Change Prakash Javadekar has said India is committed to play its part in the global fight against climate change. "We...

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