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Director Susanne Bier: “Female Directors will show a more complex view of Humanity”

Hollywood is now a leading genre for bigger and better roles for women, black and all other minority actors. Yet, the most famous female direct...

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Trillions of dollars lost in Corruption, says UN Chief

The UN says one trillion dollars are paid in bribes annually, while another 2.6 trillion are stolen, all due to corruption. 9 December, ma...

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Wizard of Oz, the Most Influential Film of All Times

New research suggests that the film world has never been the same after Wizard of Oz, the most influential film ...

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‘Venus Blazing’ celebrates Women Composers of the Past and the Future

The Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance announces its new Venus Blazing, an extraordinary commit...

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Personal Characteristics that English struggles to Describe

Language is the expression of human personality in words, whether written or spoken. The English language is spoken or read by the largest number of people in the world, fo...

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UN to protect India’s Intangible Cultural Heritage

Concerned over the "disappearance" of many intangible legacy of India over time, the UN will soon launch a project on creating an "inventory" o...

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Wanna be a Cinephile Conversation Expert? Have a look at the 100+ Film Words added to the Oxford English Dictionary

The Oxford English Dictionary has taken another step forward by adding more than 100 words and phrases from the film world. Ov...

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The Little Time Machine of Arambol, Goa

In a small part of Goa called Arambol lays a quiet and peaceful wellness retreat called Read More

Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Child Health and Development Guidelines required to meet the 2030 SDGs

Millions of parents seek health care for their sick children everyday. They take them to hospitals, health cent...

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