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Women and Men who risk Death Everyday

Manual scavenging is one of deadliest occupations in the world, and starkest examples of the continuing blight ...

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Ludo Mania On Cell Phones For The Common Man

Ludo mania has swept Mumbai and is spreading to the small towns of northern India, mainly Bihar, U.P. and Jharkhand.

The unusual asp...

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Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

India’s cultural heritage goes back over 5000 years even before the much discussed Indus Valley Civilization. Since the advent of recorded history there is enough evi...

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And finally, a much-needed Superhero – PadMan

“Creating one million livelihoods for poor women and making India a 100% sanitary napkin using country”, that’s the vision of Arunachalam Murga...

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What’s gone wrong with TV news in India

Broadcast news has dominated as the major source of news and information across the world for over 3 decades. This was all the more possible...

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Stopping the Red-Light District

Prostitution, called the oldest profession in the world is making new news today as questions regarding its moral, ethical and legal issues are being debated over.


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Rape as a Weapon of Destruction

Rape and sexual slavery are actively being used as means of warfare in Central African Republic, with armed forces on both sides guilty of it.

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Investing in our Future

India has the world's biggest youth population, and is pinned to become home to the largest working-age population within the next two decades. A population of 1.2 billion ...

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Whistling Woods International Masterclasses: A Crucial Platform for Students

“WWI provides a crucial platform to students through these weekly masterclasses”, said Subhashish Bhutiani, director of Mukti Bhawan

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The Lack of the Land

We may be the 4th fastest growing economy in the world, but something as basic as food is still a source of worry for a majority of our people.

A survey by the Nati...

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