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First Period: Where Men Talk About Menstrual Hygiene

I was approached by the NGO Dasra to direct this film. They in association with the Gates Foundation were keen ...

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Human Rights Violations in the Interpersonal Sphere

Individuals, families, communities, the government and the workplace - all have witnessed human rights abuses b...

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Breaking Down the Walls between Education Research and Schools

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi...

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Life is Brutal

Lisa Genova’s Every Note PlayedRead More

Why Human Mind refuses to believe Facts

'The mind' most often refers to the seat of human consciousness. The the...

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Women Filmmakers Against Misogyny in Bollywood

Every industry has been plagued by issues when it comes to the wrongful use of power by authorities. The entert...

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How do we Indians Protect our Beti?

Over ten years ago, in 2006, Anu Ranjan, the Co-Pu...

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The First Annual Interplanetary Festival in Mexico

The first annual Interplanetary FestivalRead More

Experiments with Storytelling: Meet Anuraadha Tewari

In a freewheeling conversation, Anuraadha Tewari, scree...

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Ordinary People making Extraordinary Changes

In our everyday lives, we often overlook the heroes we come across in our everyday life. While celebrating the success of fictional heroes t...

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