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UN Environment Programme states an increase in global green house gas emissions by 2020 (Emissions Gap report 2013)

The United Nations says it is “less and less likely” that global greenhouse gas emissions will be low enough by 2020 to stop the atmosphere warming beyond the i...

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Clinton Starting New Project to Empower Women

Hillary Rodham Clinton announced a new initiative Friday called “No Ceilings” to empower women and children around the globe. The project could serve as the bas...

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Young Women In Low Paid Jobs Triples In 20 Years, Warns TUC

Three times as many young women are employed in low paid, low skilled jobs than 20 years ago, according to a new report commissioned by the Trades Union Congress.


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From Plates that Grow Food to Certified Cocoa: UN Awards Innovative Green Enterprises at Green Economy Symposium

Fully biodegradable plates implanted with organic seeds in Colombia to provide food after use, a social media website to promote car-sharing in Viet Nam,certified cocoa for...

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Strengthening African health systems

A group of current and former African finance ministers discussed ways to improve the management of public health systems at an early October roundtable convened by Harvard...

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New Global Centers in Nigeria and India Partner with Hollywood for Social Impact

India’s Bollywood and Nigeria’s Nollywood film industries are leveraging the power of entertainment in an effort to prevent disease and improve the quality of l...

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New Global Centers in Nigeria and India Partner with Hollywood for Social Impact:

LOS ANGELES, November 1, 2013 — India’s Bollywood and...

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Global Waste on Pace to Triple by 2100

The amount of garbage humans throw away is rising fast and won’t peak this century without transformational changes in how we use and reuse materials, write former Wo...

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Leo Messi’s son turns one and celebrates with UNICEF

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Leo Messi today invited his friends and fans around the world to join in celebrating the birthday of his son Thiago, who will be one year old on ...

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7 ridiculous restrictions on women’s rights around the world

With Saudi Arabian women behind the wheel since Saturday to protest their country’s refusal to grant driver’s licenses to women, they’re challenging not o...

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