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Raising Lady Gaga: Cynthia Germanotta On Why It’s Time For An Emotion Revolution

Cynthia Germanotta, president of Born This Way Foundation and mother of Lady Gaga, writes about raising her unique daughter and the Emotion Revolution, launched with Yale.<...

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Top 10 Social Innovation Trends Of 2015

We get it, your inboxes are jam-packed with must-read trend predictions for 2015, and no doubt some of them are right on the money. We can all feel the shift: This year wil...

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Kalki Koechlin Speaks About Child Sexual Abuse

Kalki Koechlin, who has been in the news for the past couple of weeks due to her forthcoming film “Margerita, With a Straw” got a different kind of attention wh...

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PEST-LE Analysis ??Ultrasound Market

Over the last four decades, ultrasonography has emerged as one of the most important imaging techniques in modern medicine.

The bettered and newer applications, dec...

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??India lives in her villages,? is a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. ?This isn't the exact quote, though. Gandhiji actually wrote, ?India is not Calcutta and Bombay. In...

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5 Bollywood Films That Teach Us Few Things About Women Empowerment

It is sort of fashionable to talk about feminism and women empowerment these days. Everybody seems to have an opinion on how a woman’s life could and should be. Socia...

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China?s Pollution Assault Boosting Solar, Electric Vehicles

Tata Power Delhi Distribution (TPDDL) has won the ‘Innovation for India Awards 2014’, under Business Category, for developing tamper evident and defraud electri...

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Three months into 2015, two television channels are show casing varied fare. They have taken it on themselves to give viewers a mix of shows ? from the melodramatic soaps t...

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In the last week I happened to spend an evening with relatives who were visiting Mumbai from Jammu; my hometown and the place I took birth in. It’s a no-brainer that ...

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Traditions, Society And Healthcare- Taking A Look At Community Health Issues

It was a cool afternoon in the winter of 1990. We were walking toward a remote village on a dirt road through a forest. It was a voyage of delightful discovery of flora...

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