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Can Men be Allies among the many ‘Harvey Weinsteins’ in the Industry?

Anthony Bourdain is known as the strutting chef who kicked a drug habit, wrote a best-selling confessional Kitchen Confidential, and became an internationally recognized te...

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Madiba – A Tribute to History’s Favorite Son

Benevolence is a trait that obviates the need for an introduction and benevolent legends have their names going down in history as its favorite son.  Madiba is a three...

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#EyeOnClimate – to Make this World a Better Place to Live

Although climate change presents one of the greatest threats to the future of our children and our planet, many perceive this issue as distant and abstract. Naturally, peop...

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Colombia to host The Classics – the Festival of Films that will Live Forever

Have you ever wanted to watch Sunset Boulevard on the big screen? Popcorn in your hand and glitter in your eyes. May be the Rear Window? Rebel Without...

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Will Technology fuel a Man-Machine Struggle for Power?

Recently I read that Sophia is going to be the first robot to be granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia. She was interviewed by business writer Andrew Ross Sorkin at ...

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Brief Encounters

Female bonding is rare in Bollywood movies, so a play about strangers meeting in a railway waiting room on a stormy night has been doing well in multiple languages.  Read More

U.S. Consulate General Mumbai to hold Fourth Annual Short-Film Contest on Women’s Safety and Empowerment

The U.S. Consulate General Mumbai launched its fourth annual short-film contest on the theme of women’s safety and empowerment in Mumbai. The yearly contest is part o...

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Television and beyond

The recent BARC ratings place KBC at Numero Uno position amidst a fierce ratings war in a multi-channel environment…but it wasn’t always like this.


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#MeToo – Do Sexual Harassers keep Good Science from Happening?

 Boston University (BU) is investigating sexual harassment complaints made against a prominent Antarctic geologist by two of his former graduate students. The women al...

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Melinda Gates: “It’s Time for Our Workspaces to Catch Up”

Melinda Gates: “It’s Time for Our Workspaces to Catch Up”

"American workforce has changed a lot. It’s now 47 percent female, and those women...

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