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Goalkeepers Report 2018: ‘Young People are the Activists, Innovators, Leaders, and Workers of the Future’

Since 2000, more than a billion people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty, says the Read More

A Teenage Dream Comes True: The World's Largest Ocean Clean-up Begins

The world's largest ocean clean-up is now underway in the Pacific Ocean and aims to collect up to 150,000 pounds of trash in its first year and...

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Communication and Community Engagement - Key to Disaster Response

"I've got six new blankets piled up," said a Nepali man after the horrific 2015 earthquake in Nepal while what he really needed was some water ...

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The Best of the ‘King of Pop’

Beyoncé, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift will all come and go but The King of Pop – Michael Jackson – who would have turned 60 this year will remain the "Kin...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Why Modi Government's Renaming Frenzy is a Political Act of Invasion

You have a right to name that which you have built. But no right to rename that which has been built by oth...

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Third Pole, World’s third-largest mass of Frozen Fresh Water in Danger

We've all heard of the North Pole and the South, the world’s two polar regions. However, there is a regio...

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Aleister Crowley: The Famous and Mystical Poet, Mountaineer and Writer

The son of a devout Christian couple, Edward Alexander Crowley, who was once called “the wickedest man in...

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Can India's Groundwater crisis be cured with the help of Technology?

Groundwater in India is a critical resource. However, an increasing number of aquifers are reaching unsustainab...

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Want to have a Productive Day, Start Early

This is more of an era of the night owls than the early birds. Chances are you are amongst those who binge on t...

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