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India Partners With American NGO To Meet Its Maternal Health Goals

To alleviate the issue of maternal and infant deaths in India, the government launched a unique MAMTA card in Rajasthan and Gujarat a couple of years ago. The card tracks c...

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How A Pack of Cards Helped Improve Maternal Health In Bihar

While India has been reporting a steady decline in its maternal mortality rate, the country still accounts for the largest number of maternal deaths in the world. In 2010, ...

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‘Superbugs’ Kill India’s Babies and Pose an Overseas Threat

AMRAVATI, India — A deadly epidemic that could have global implications is quietly sweeping India, and among its many victims are tens of thousands of newborns dying ...

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Cases of rising infant deaths in tribal hamlets worry officials

Efforts to counsel Lambada tribal women on the importance of protecting girl child notwithstanding, the Women and Child Welfare Department is worried over the increasing in...

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A mobile key to maternal health

Dr Anita, who just goes by her first name, has a flourishing practice in Bihar. She is the most sought-after consulting gynecologist in a state with India’s highest f...

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Ebola effect reverses gains in maternal, child mortality

Maternal and infant deaths in Liberia and Sierra Leone are set to rise above their current alarming rates as fear of Ebola keeps pregnant women away from hospitals and make...

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8 states report 71% of total infant deaths

Have you ever wondered why child death (IMR) and mother death (MMR) are going down so slowly in India? Part of the answer can be found in a recent survey report put out by ...

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Deploying midwives in poor nations could avert millions of maternal and newborn deaths

Researchers have said that a small increase in number of skilled birth attendants in the world’s poorest nations could save the lives of a substantial number of women...

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Increasing maternal BMI raises fetal, infant death risk

Increasing maternal body mass index shows a moderate to strong dose-response relationship with increasing risks of fetal death, stillbirth, neonatal death, perinatal death,...

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Most infant deaths in India occur on first day of birth

In spite of reducing child mortality, deaths of infants in India on the first day of birth is still way too high and likely to hamper it from achieving the millennium devel...

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