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Behind Every Successful COVID Vaccine Is A Woman

At least in the field of vaccine development, women have shown that they are capable of delivering a safer world. More power to our new sheroes...

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Voices: Where the mind is without fear

On India’s Independence Day, Monarose Sheila Pereira speaks to several people to understand their perspective on freedom...

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Khalid Mohamed writes on the imperative need for Indian artists to express  their strong views on the state of nation und...

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The ‘Lost City’ in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean under Threat

Deep-sea mineral extraction is regarded as one of the most important global industries of the future, with bill...

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Bill Gates invests $50 million towards Alzheimer’s R&D in the Dementia Discovery Fund

When it comes to meaningful charity, Gates is the first name that comes to one’s mind. Bill Gates never loses an opportunity to donate for a noble cause. H...

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The Eco Guide To Good Plastic

Cruel, but I had no choice. If we carry on creating and consuming plastic as we are now, and hoping that trainer innovation will do the heavy lifting (it won’t), by 2...

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This 20-Year-Old Survivor Of Trafficking Is Now India’s Crusader For Child Rights At UN

There are numerous cases of child trafficking every day in India. Child trafficking, according to UNICEF, is defined as “any person under 18 who is recruited, transpo...

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An Alternative Exploration of Geopolitics

Hindsight is always 20/20. Subjective to the present, we often tend to overlook patterns and correlation until the objectivity parts the seas to a broader picture. It was o...

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India to boost Bhutan energy ties

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the Bhutan National Assembly session in Thimphu on Monday. Mr Modi arrived in Bhutan on his first foreign trip after becoming Prime M...

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How to Succeed in Global Warming Industry With Carbon Brokering Program

Carbon Brokering Program is a newly updated system that provides helpful ways to earn money in global warming. It was created by Regan Hardy, an entrepreneur and air expert...

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