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UK’s Human Rights Watchdog supports de-medicalising of the Gender Recognition Process

According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission, a person wishing to change gender doesn’t require a gender recognition certificate...

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Strangers on a Train

There is something romantic about train travel, which is probably why so many love stories begin when two people embark on a journey in a train...

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EVENING SHADOWS screens in Amsterdam on ‘Coming Out Day’

October 11th is celebrated as Coming Out Day worldwide since 1988, underlining the most basic form of activism - coming out to family,...

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Righting a Wrong

Sexual harassment of women is coming out of the closet so to say and white male entitlement is getting a much-d...

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Living in the Troll Age

Fifty years ago, the internet was used as a medium to communicate between two individuals.  Over time, it ...

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Celebrate Cinema: Whistling Woods International’s Vibrant, Engaging and Interactive Three-day Fest

Curious minds, joyous faces, and enthralled enthusiasts gathered at Whistling Woods International (WWI) to cele...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Kerala Floods: Shame how we Indians politicised a National Calamity and Tragedy

As weeks of wild weather smashed into the north-western Australian coast in February 2018, and record summer ra...

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Point of View: From Streets to Table

Nothing reflects a culture as its cuisine. Here’s a perspective on India’s food culture....

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‘New Anti-Trafficking Bill unjust to Victims’: UN Experts

India's first comprehensive anti-trafficking bill was passed in the Lok Sabha on Thursday, 26th July 2018. The ...

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