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Asia’s Music Festival Fans Can’t Get Enough, But Can The Frenzy Last?

China fuels the boom but organisers say new home-grown events are key to ongoing success Asia’s music festival industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, but the ...

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Chile Has So Much Solar Energy It’s Giving It Away For Free

Chile’s solar industry has expanded so quickly that it’s giving electricity away for free. Spot prices reached zero in parts of the country on 113 days through ...

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Bitcoin ATMs Are Popular With The Unbanked, But The Regulatory Future Is Unclear

A trend is emerging in the Bitcoin ATM industry. Demand for the services among the underbanked and unbanked has seen steady growth in the two years since the industry&rsquo...

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The Faces Of Malnutrition

Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 can be attributed to undernutrition. This translates into the unnecessary loss of about 3 million young lives a year. Only a f...

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Cinema In The Vineyards This Weekend Kicks Off Film Festival

Mendocino County is celebrating filmmakers and their works after 10 years of the Mendocino Film Festival. The film festival staff said this event not only gives locals an u...

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Kaleidoscope - All That Glitters

China is considered an Asian Tiger and an economic superpower to be feared by the First World countries. In India, Shanghai is seen as a model of urban development, and all...

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When Economic Growth Doesn't Make Countries Happier

Rich people are happier than poorer people on average, and richer countries are happier than poorer countries. And yet growing national wealth is not always accompanied by ...

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IUD's, The Pill & Sterilisation: Your Experiences Of Contraception

Accessing family planning is not easy for many women, who face cultural or religious opposition, supply shortages and doctors who won’t listen More women than ever ar...

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Kaleidoscope- On The Cusp Of Change

The spectacular Disney musical Beauty And The Beast returned for a second season and in spite of high ticket rates, was sold out.

The production has all the gra...

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The New TV: Guide To Instagram's Video Channels

Instagram’s has made its presence in everything that has even the slightest association to visual appeal -- fashion, art, photography and even food. The explore/searc...

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