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Travelers: S2 – Perfect Jetpack for the Future of Times

How honestly, we wish to fly, to fly high and far into a time where everything we imagine is a promising reality, where cruising past planet...

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Project Sea Horse: Japan's Idea to Exploit Ocean's Power

The common image of Japan abroad is of a high-tech country — a place of robots and flashing neon lights and the latest beeping gadgets...

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The Women who rocked the World in 2017

Who ran the world in 2017? Women did. And the most powerful of them who brought a change to the society identified a new generation of icons...

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Five Most Inspirational Persons and the Books they Suggest You Read

Many of the brightest minds in technology, entertainment, business, and philanthropy have said they owe their success to reading. Ever wonde...

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Environment: New AI Records Dolphin Chatter And Reveals Six Unknown Click Types

Dolphin tracking is traditionally done with boats or planes, but that’s expensive, says study co-author Kaitlin Frasier, an oceanograp...

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Drones connect Remote Village to Internet

High-speed internet is not a luxury anymore, it is a necessity. Openreach is a UK based company involved in Britain’s digital network business. They're the people who...

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The Future of Filmmaking is Here

Much of the public view of the film and television industry is centered around entertainment value and often doesn’t grasp the background work that goes into making t...

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Facebook to launch AI based Suicide Prevention Program

Who would have thought a software could save lives? Facebook has come up with a new artificial intelligence technology that will scan all posts for patterns of suicidal tho...

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Can Google ever replace Teachers?

When in school, I clearly remember writing the day's homework in my almanac with the pointy pencil I sharpened a night before going to bed and writing down notes which the ...

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What’s gone wrong with TV news in India

Broadcast news has dominated as the major source of news and information across the world for over 3 decades. This was all the more possible...

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