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Achieving Quality Education in India

Education in India is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: centra...

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Film Festivals dedicated to Architecture

Architecture and film are interlocked: both unfold narrative ideas through space and time, taking us to real and virtual worlds; both start with the imagination ...

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Gates Foundation pledges $300M to help the World’s Poorest Farmers

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is teaming up with partners around the world to take on some tough challenges: extreme poverty and poor health in developing countries...

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Feminism and High Art

In London Contemporary Music Festival this year, among other things, one can take the chance to experience a fairly different sort of music- background music from a pornogr...

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Evolution of the Socially Conscious Fashion Designers

Defining trends nowadays is not an easy task. Trends are in essence very complex mechanisms that mirror changes in the economic and political landscapes. Fashion itself is ...

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2017 has been a Great Year for Women in Bollywood

In recent years, we have seen an increased number of feminist films arguing for gender equality in Indian cinema. Movies like Read More

India's Battle Against Sexual Violence

Sexual violence against women is a global concern. In the United States, there are around 293,000 victims of sexual assault every year. Sexual assault is also underreported...

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Sanal Kumar Sasidharan: “There is nothing sexy about Durga in my film”.

The firebrand director shot to fame recently when his latest film S Durga was banned from being showcased as part of the Indian Panorama section in the 49th Read More

Delhi’s Air Pollution – at the Cost of Innocent Children’s Health

The Calcutta National Cancer Institute submitted a proposal for studies on health impact of air pollution on adults and schoolchildren of Delhi to the Central Pollution Con...

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Old Railway Coaches to shelter the Homeless this Winter

Winter is here! While we are lucky enough to spend the nights snugged up in a warm and cosy blanket, the down-and-outers don't even have a roof over their head. In November...

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