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Transgender Community hopes for a brighter future in 2018

The transgender community is incredibly diverse. Some transgender people identify as male or female, and some identity as genderqueer, non-b...

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Rural India has less than one Doctor for 1000 People

In a country like India where the population is on its boom, there is still less than one doctor for 1000 people, a study by healthcare info...

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The Oceans have ‘Dark’ Secrets

You may have seen the pictures of glowing oceans at night on the internet or scenes from films (Life of Pi), or maybe even experienced it li...

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Use of Contraceptives – a long way Ahead

Contraceptives are what people have been using since the beginning of civilization. Access to effective contraceptives is key to women’s well-being and autonomy &ndas...

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Gates Foundation pledges $300M to help the World’s Poorest Farmers

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is teaming up with partners around the world to take on some tough challenges: extreme poverty and poor health in developing countries...

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Cultural Entrepreneurship in India

India’s cultural heritage goes back over 5000 years even before the much discussed Indus Valley Civilization. Since the advent of recorded history there is enough evi...

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Environment: New AI Records Dolphin Chatter And Reveals Six Unknown Click Types

Dolphin tracking is traditionally done with boats or planes, but that’s expensive, says study co-author Kaitlin Frasier, an oceanograp...

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Facebook to launch AI based Suicide Prevention Program

Who would have thought a software could save lives? Facebook has come up with a new artificial intelligence technology that will scan all posts for patterns of suicidal tho...

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The Adi Rang Mahotsav, a Platform for more than 500 Tribal Artists to showcase their Talents

Indian tribal culture speaks volumes about the diversity of the country. 'Unity in diversity' is one of the most spectacular features amongst the population of India. Among...

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Aeschylus’s millennia old play gets an epic adaptation through The Suppliant Women

Written 2,500 years ago, The Suppliant Women is one of the world’s oldest plays which speaks to us through the ages with startling resonance for our troubled times. I...

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