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Canada's National Anthem Becomes Gender Neutral

Canada's national anthem 'O Canada' went through a sl...

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The Great Dying is not What You Think It Is

Somehow, most of the life on Earth perished in a brief moment of geologic time roughly 250 million years ago. S...

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It's High Time Women get a Spot in Major Music Festivals

The Firefly Music Festival happened in January and it...

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Alternative Music with ATFC and Switcheroo

There's a list of music genres people listen to in India and that includes Bollywood, Bollywood rock, Bollywood jazz, Bollywood EDM, Bollywo...

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Altered Carbon: The Body does not Make the Man

Are you willing to give flight to your imagination? Because this new Netflix series defies logic and builds a story on a pile of figments. T...

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Bill Gates aims for a Cleaner Planet

Bill Gates is a name that you will come across quite often when it comes to philanthropy and saving the planet. Thanks to Bill Gates' fundin...

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Where do Women Stand when it comes to Stand-Up Comedy?

When I picture a stand-up comedian in my mind, it’s always a man. This is eerie, yet a sad truth of the comedy industry. Take a trip b...

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Wood: A powerful and valuable solution for Sustainable Structures

Wood is not associated with sustainability as we know that wood comes from forests — so typically, timber is associated with deforesta...

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Educate Girls to curb India's ever-growing Population

The explosive growth in the Indian population could be curbed significantly if teenage girls in this developing country were given the oppor...

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