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Floating Schools bring Classrooms to Children

Located at the crossing of two mighty rivers: the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, Bangladesh is the largest delta i...

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Kerala Floods: Shame how we Indians politicised a National Calamity and Tragedy

As weeks of wild weather smashed into the north-western Australian coast in February 2018, and record summer ra...

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Jansen and her Journey in translating VAW data into Meaningful Interventions and Policies

The United Nations defines violence against women as "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is l...

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Many Shades of Feminism

In Meg Wolitzer’s novel, The Female Persua...

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Empowering Adolescents through Collaboration

By delaying adolescent pregnancy, India could add an estimated 12 percent to its GDP, stated a report ‘ Read More

The Perils of the Use and Abuse of Social Media

Humans, by nature, have loved to communicate and share stories and views since the beginning of time. Who would...

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Education is World’s Vaccine against Terrorism

Terrorist attacks and their aftermath have had a powerful impact on families, especially children. In Douma, Sy...

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The Effectiveness of Life-saving Vaccines

One hundred years ago, infectious diseases were the main cause of death worldwide, even in the most developed c...

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WHO lauds Global Partnership to Stop Leprosy; will help renew efforts for zero leprosy

New Delhi, 27 January 2018 – Welcoming the launch of the ‘Global Partnership to Stop Leprosy’, the World Health Organizati...

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Breathe – A Breathless Thriller

Amazon Prime and chill? Well, that’s a tough one to answer but it seems the entertainment company has started grabbing a spot in the h...

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