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RUCHI NARAIN: On a creative roller-coaster ride!

Aparajita Krishna visits filmmaker Ruchi Narain’s world this time – a 360 degree roller coaster ride. Enjoy i...

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His own terms: Sharad Raj

Ek Betuka Aadmi Ki Afrah Raatein is now streaming on Eventscape Vod Platform. Vinta Nanda has a chat with director Sha...

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What Bollywood can learn from Hollywood

Monojit Lahiri does a hard close-up at the changing attitudes of Hollywood stars toward Indie films and proposes that Bollywoo...

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Sunil Shanbag: A Theatre Yatra! Part 2

Aparajita Krishna continues telling the story of Sunil Shanbag from where she left it in Part 1

Adil Hussain: The Uncrowned Czar of independent cinema

Sharad Raj walks you through his experience of working with the actor par excellence Adil Hussain.

Whose normal is it anyway?

Vandana Kumar goes around John Cassavettes’ ‘A Woman Under the Influence’ and discusses how Independent Cine...

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The Joy of Photography

Khalid Mohamed in conversation with multi-media professional, indie-filmmaker and still photographer Arin Paul on how to see t...

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Pravesh Sippy: Never in Dire Straits

Water of love deep in the ground/But there ain’t no water here to be found/Some day baby when the river runs free/It's gonna carry that w...

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The loneliness of an Indian (virgin) Bride

What are Indian wedding dreams made of? – a question Janaky Sreedharan answers as she views it through the lens of the r...

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A Dream Run for Kalyani

Janaky Sreedharan writes about J.Geetha’s debut venture Run Kalyani, which is set to be the opening film at the New York...

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