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AI Algorithm Diagnoses Pneumonia Better than Radiologists

Researchers at the Stanford University’s Machine Learning group have developed an Algorithm which presents diagnosis for Pneumonia. The Algorithm is based on a Deep L...

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The Divine and Strangely Beautiful Marchesa Luisa Casati

Luisa Casati, was an Italian heiress, muse, and patroness of the arts in early 20th-century Europe. In the early 20th century, Casati became famous all over Euro...

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DP Nancy Schreiber bags the Susan B. Anthony ‘Failure is Impossible’ Award at High Falls Film Festival

Nancy Schreiber is an award-winning cinematographer based in both New York and Los Angeles. She was the fourth woman ever voted into membership into the prestigious America...

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Teaching my Son to make his Own Bed!

“Expectation is the root of all heartache.”- William Shakespeare

Coming from...

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Can Men be Allies among the many ‘Harvey Weinsteins’ in the Industry?

Anthony Bourdain is known as the strutting chef who kicked a drug habit, wrote a best-selling confessional Kitchen Confidential, and became an internationally recognized te...

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Will Technology fuel a Man-Machine Struggle for Power?

Recently I read that Sophia is going to be the first robot to be granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia. She was interviewed by business writer Andrew Ross Sorkin at ...

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The 12th Tasveer South Asian Film Festival focuses on Nepal this Year

Tasveer is a non-profit film & art organization. Its mission is to inspire social change through thought-provoking South Asian films, art, and storytelling. Read More

The General Sexism faced by the Hollywood Women since Ages

“Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein", said comedian Seth MacFarlane in 2013, introducing the list of best-...

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“Young People are not future leaders, they are Leaders already!” says Muhammad Yunus

"The capitalist system is a machine which sucks up wealth from the bottom to send it to the top" - Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneu...

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The Love-Hate relationship between AC/DC and the Women who listen to Them

On hearing their songs, a conscientious feminist would surely stop listening to AC/DC and build a bonfire out of the band’s back catalogue. But, much as one feels bad...

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