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Indigenous People

The International Day of the World's Indigenous People was celebrated worldwide on the 9th of August 2017, to commemorate the varied endemic cultures and peoples around the...

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Rise in Carbon Emissions Linked to Rise in Heatwaves

A study that examined the impact of global climate change on the basis of wet bulb temperature (WBT), found a steady rise in occurrences of humid heat waves . Wet Bulb Temp...

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Wonder Where the Women Are

The advent of the 21st century may have boosted feminist movements and given women voices, but a study shows that in the world of cinema, we essentially live in a world tha...

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Big Switch: Teens Work on Leaving No Footprints Behind for the Future Generations

The world has been shedding its green skin interminably, courtesy human intervention in it’s natural process. But hitherto we were paying least attention to the lurki...

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Feminism in 21st Century: All Bark and No Bite?

A voyage back in time to the most revolutionary day unearths a story of its kind:  The Women’s Rights Convention held in 1848 painted an immediate change- women ...

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Redeeming A Vow To 120 Million Women And Girls

Raising a family is a balancing act. Last week, the world celebrated “World Population Day” by not rejoicing the spur of populous sperms scrawling to the brim o...

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Resurfacing from the Dark: The World Is Headed Towards A Brighter Change

Last week, the world witnessed pantomimic celebration across all platforms on World Population Day. However, the consequence of an ever expanding population is not a matter...

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World Population Day: How Different Countries Seem To Be Bracing Themselves Against the Surging Population.

On July 11, 2017, the World Population Day is celebrated with the theme “Family Planning: Empowering People, Developing Nations”. Reminiscing the days of yore w...

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Hear What The Penguins Have To Say

 You have been introduced to their spot-on  tactfulness or hilarious shrewdness in the animated movie series “Madagascar.” But there’s a whole n...

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Government To Rope In Local Stars To Push Family Planning Measures In Affected Areas

Local radio spots with messages from local actors would be promoted to create awareness in UP, Bihar, MP, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Assam. The government is pl...

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