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Has Justice for Women in India Improved?

In 1890, a case of a Bengali child bride named Phulmani, who died following brutal conjugal intercourse went to trial in the Calcutta Sessio...

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Travelers: S2 – Perfect Jetpack for the Future of Times

How honestly, we wish to fly, to fly high and far into a time where everything we imagine is a promising reality, where cruising past planet...

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Is Freedom of Speech Facing a Debacle in our Free Nation?

Give me the liberty to know, to utter and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” -John Milton, Areopagitica.

It ...

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Hit and Flops 2017

There were less number of winners and more losers at the box office this year since the overall 2017 number is still about 3% behind last ye...

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Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Muppet Christmas Carol

The Muppets are just adorable, aren't they? And what's more adorable about them is their much-beloved Christmas classic, The Muppet Christmas Carol. There have bee...

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The Talwars-Behind Closed Doors: The Unforgettable Crime

15/16 May, 2008. The night that gripped the nation with a strangely grim and unbelievable horror is etched in our memories like a chill, a g...

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A Fond Farewell to a Cherished friend​ - his death is a profound Personal Loss

"I was a little more than a boy when I first met Bimalda. It was at a premiere, that we first met. He was a soft-spoken gentleman and I still remember his interesting eyes....

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Out of Africa

In 1998, Scottish writer Alexander McCall Smith, began the The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series of novels set in Botswana, featuring the “traditionally...

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Riverdale - A Dark, Neo-Noir Take on Our Favourite Comic!

When I was 10, I was introduced to this colourful world of Archie Comics, those long train journeys to my hometown became a lot funnier with so many vivid characters and an...

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YouTube Kids is not Kids-friendly Anymore!

YouTube is the most used video streaming service for adults as well as kids. That is why Google even created a YouTube Kids App back in 2015 for children who can enjoy whil...

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