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Humans Have Been Causing Environmental Disasters For 7,000 Years

Humans have always had a tendency to view bodies of water as giant dumpsters. You put the gook and trash in and then it magically disappears—or floats someplace else ...

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The Sound Of Junk – Dharavi’s Rag Picking Children Are Making Music Out Of The Trash They Collect

Every day, Mumbai sees – yet ignores – thousands of rag-pickers who go about collecting trash from beaches, railway platforms, and other public places. This hug...

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If I Become Your Fan Mr. Modi, Will You Lose Popularity?

Because that is how it’s been in all my years. I have always been in support of those leaders who are more unpopular in India than their counterparts who have thrived...

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Climate Change Is Ruining The One Thing That Makes Los Angeles A Unique Place To Live

The city of Los Angeles is known for its wide sandy beaches, mild temperatures, and lack of humidity. The combination of cool winters and warm summers sets it apart from al...

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Global warming will impact beach tourism, says expert

Beach tourism of 51 countries would be critically affected and temperature may increase by 4.8 degree Celsius by 2100 if no measures are taken to curb global warming, said ...

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Toilets on all beaches by October: Goa tourism development corporation

Beaches in Goa are set for a major uplift this year, with Goa tourism development corporation (GTDC) promising public toilets and dressing rooms all along the coastline by ...

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