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The Eight Best Extinct Species Discovered In 2015

2015 was an exceptionally productive year for paleontology. Brontosaurus made a comeback. Paleontologists further decoded the coloration patterns of long extinct animals. J...

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Hear The Poor Cry

A Very significant document has come out. It is a letter from Pope Francis addressed to everyone on this planet.

Pope Francis is head of the world’s largest r...

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~ The world to witness the dialog of Arts & Encounter of Cultures ~
~ 7000 participants from 125 countries over 14 days ~

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Supporters Of A UN Climate Pact Say It’s An Economic Issue — Not Just a Moral One

It's the Holy Grail of climate change ? reducing fossil-fuel emissions without slashing the growth needed to lift billions of the world's people out of poverty. With the cl...

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Shell To Resume Arctic Drilling Off Alaska As Green Groups Warn Of Disaster

Environmentalists accuse the government of ?looking the other way? after US gives green light for Shell to restart drilling for OIL and gas The US government has given Shel...

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A Sound Economy Needs A Sound Environment

Going by our Intelligence Bureau (IB) and some of the voices in the government, anyone asking for the protection of the country’s forests, its rivers or its coasts is...

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Millions at risk from rapid sea rise in Sundarbans

The tiny hut sculpted out of mud at the edge of the sea is barely large enough for Bokul Mondol and his family to lie down. The water has taken everything else from them, a...

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India on high alert after massive oil spill threatens Sunderbans ecology

The oil spill in Sunderbans area of Bangladesh has created panic in India and the officials are now gearing up for possible challenges to the environment in near future. Th...

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Can Solar Thermal Desalination Make Sustainable Agriculture Possible?

The jury is still out on solar thermal, which is certainly efficient but has its critics because of its costs, both financial and ecological. The International Energy Assoc...

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Coastal cities need to plan for climate change

Coastal cities in India need to plan and implement climate risk management strategies as an integral part of city development, experts said Friday. They were participating ...

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