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Jack Andraka made a breakthrough in cancer detection that had eluded pharmaceutical companies and legions of PhDs

Andraka’s test provides an answer on the spot in five minutes with what he estimates is close to 100 percent accuracy. It involves a simple strip of filter paper dipp...

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Corporates cause two third of global warming emissions

The climate crisis of the 21st century has been caused largely by just 90 companies, which between them produced nearly two-thirds of the greenhouse gas emissions generated...

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Azim Hashim Premji, Top of the list for the most generous Indian

Close on the heels of releasing its second edition of Hurun India Rich List, China-
based magazine Hurun Report launched the inaugural Hurun India Philanthropy

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President Obama offers apologies to Americans who have lost their health insurances as a result of the new law

In his latest public attempt to gather support for the the Affordable Health Care Act President Obama was apologetic considering that insurance companies are reportedly can...

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Herbal Supplements Are Often Not What They Seem

Americans spend an estimated $5 billion a year on unproven herbal supplements that promise everything from fighting off colds to curbing hot flashes and boosting memory. Bu...

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Survey: For young children, mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones now a mainstay

The vast majority of young children in the United States are using mobile devices and for much longer periods of time, with an even greater number of babies being exposed t...

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Obama Says Health Law Critics ‘Grossly Misleading’

President Barack Obama defended his health-care law, saying the flawed online insurance exchange will get fixed and accusing critics of “grossly misleading” the...

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Obama: I take full responsibility for fixing health site

US President Barack Obama has accepted “full responsibility” for ensuring the troubled healthcare website gets fixed.

Speaking in Boston, he said he was...

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Investors sound the alarm on climate change

Why a coalition worth $3 trillion is calling on the oil, gas, coal, and energy industries to reassess the risks of a warming planet:

If human-cause...

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