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Dirty Money: Bamboozled Beyond Belief?

‘Do you think it’s dirty money? All money is dirty; if it were clean nobody would want it.&rsq...

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Best Practices: Karen Spencer’s Whole Child International

"Look into your own heart, discover what it is that gives you pain and refuse, under any circumstances whatsoev...

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Picture Books and Coming-of-age Stories

As research on transgender and gender nonconforming children and youth becomes increasingly prevalent in litera...

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Racial bias in the field of Science

A racism scandal at H&M was the latest indication of management problems at the Swedish clothing giant. H&a...

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‘Evening Shadows’ to premiere at the Mardi Gras Film Festival

Award winning Indian filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan’s narrative feature Read More

Role Reversal to address Domestic Abuse

In what countries are women and men on the most equal footing?

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The Opioid Drug Crisis

The lack of global access to pain relief and palliative care throughout the life cycle constitutes a global crisis, and action to close this...

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Study Reveals Fall in Justice Globally

A recent study revealed that there has been a fall in people getting basic justice worldwide. The Read More

Sustainable Development in Capitalistic and Modern Societies

It’s no secret that economic growth and energy have come at the cost of environmental degradation. In answer to this challenge, sustai...

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First Cut – Training the Little Directors in Rajasthan

After a successful stint in mentoring children from various parts of Bihar on the techniques of filmmaking and ...

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