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UN helps in shaping a Sustainable Future for the Fashion Industry

The 2.5 trillion USD fashion industry plays a major role in the global economy by supporting hundreds of millio...

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Madeline’s Madeline is a Coming of Age Indie Film

High Budget movies like Iron Man 3, Black Panther, World War Z, Man ...

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Oscars Announced A New Award Category And The Internet Is Not Happy About It

The Dark Knight is a phenomenal film and will always remain my favourite. Released in Januar...

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Want to have a Productive Day, Start Early

This is more of an era of the night owls than the early birds. Chances are you are amongst those who binge on t...

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The Rise of Denialism and the Reason Why We Deny

Humans have developed ways to use language to deceive others and themselves. We also refuse to accept that some...

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A Mother normalizes Breastfeeding through her Photographs

Recently, Utah and Idaho passed laws legalizing breastfeeding in public, making them the last two states to ena...

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War of Words

Though many of his plays have been absurd or surreal, Makrand Deshpande wanted to experiment with an all-out farce, and what ...

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Empowering Adolescents through Collaboration

By delaying adolescent pregnancy, India could add an estimated 12 percent to its GDP, stated a report ‘ Read More

Clean Atmospheric Water can be harvested by harnessing Natural Gas

Scientists from the University of Texas, Austin, may have figured out a way to kill two environmental birds with one stone. If we use waste ...

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Are Indian Web Television Series here to Stay?!!

I was waiting for Sacred GamesRead More