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Jury for 16th Mumbai Film Festival 2014

Mumbai, October 2014: The 16th edition of the Mumbai film festival organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI) will be held from Read More

Beyond politics: how finance can influence climate change in Australia

With political action on climate change stuck in reverse gear, investor responses and public action is where the power lies When protestors start occupying the offices of p...

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Unilever initiative helps 25 million people gain toilet access by 2020

Improving global access to sanitation can be a foundation for better health, nutrition and education The toilet. We spend about three years of our lives sitting on it. But ...

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World risks spending $250 billion on simply monitoring UN development goals: report

A development expert, Morten Jerven, has estimated that the world might end up spending close to $250 billion just to monitor UN development goals for 2030. In a report, Je...

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MARD Farhan Akhtar and Google India introduces social campaign for women’s empowerment

Google and Farhaan Akhtar have unveiled a ReachForTheSky/MARD joint initiative with the aim of getting more women across India online. Or to put it more precisely, the tech...

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Can the world meet its hunger reduction target?

One in every nine persons in the world goes hungry: UN State of Food Insecurity Report Asia houses 526 million of the 805 million chronically undernourished people in the w...

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New drug target could prevent major global cause of maternal death

Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) occurs when the uterus fails to contract vigorously after childbirth and the mother loses 500mls or more of blood in the 24 hours after deliver...

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Bike riders reach out to people in a unique campaign against Ebola

The worst Ebola outbreak in history has claimed nearly 2,300 lives in four countries; about 4,300 cases have been detected in four countries Commercial motorbike riders in ...

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Asha workers roped in to fight crime against women

To deal with the rising number of crimes against women, the district administration and police have roped in Asha (Accredited Social Health Activists) workers to inform the...

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India's 'Climate Smart' Villages Target Sustainable Agriculture

Scientists warn that agriculture around the world can be significantly affected by climate change, and are now teaching farmers new technologies to adapt. At one ?climate s...

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