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Revisiting Mani Kaul’s Mini-series Ahmaq

Devdutt Trivedi writes that in Ahmaq, Kaul wanted to underline the symbiotic relationship between Hinduism and Islam.

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‘Having a blast’ is a very ordinary thing to do!

How often have we all said, “Hey, let’s have a blast”, or, “What a blast we had last night”, writes Vinta...

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The art of Gaganendranath Tagore

At the height of darkness comes the first stirrings of dawn - a renaissance in the arts, literature and social life. It is against this backdro...

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Hrid Majhare: The Bard’s Official ‘Debut’ in Bengali Cinema

In the series on landmark Bengali films post 2000, Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri looks at Ranjan Ghosh’s adaptation of Shakespe...

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The Art of Ramkinkar Baij

Modern Indian sculpture as we know it began with Ramkinkar Baij. Shantanu Ray Chaudhuri looks at the works and legacy of a pio...

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Her Bollywood

Anubha Yadav’s book Scripting Bollywood: Candid Conversations with Women Who Write Hindi Cinema, lights up a neglected space in film...

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Sagar Sawarkar & the Indian Idol Connect!

Aparajita Krishna travels with Sagar Sawarkar’s musical journey and shares her experience with us.

Simply a storyteller: Mitra Phukan

It is my privilege to introduce, to those among you, who don’t know her, Mitra Phukan - a writer, author and thought leader - writes Read More

Rediscovering a Genius Artist

Khalid Mohamed in conversation with Patrick Bensard, director of the prestigious Cinematheque de la Danse of Paris, now docume...

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Catching the moment

Khalid Mohamed discusses the fast-changing dynamics of image-making today with the eminent New Delhi-based still photographer, Prerna Jain