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Irreversible But Not Unstoppable: The Ghost Of Climate Change Yet To Come

Unlike Scrooge, we don?t get a spirit to show us what the future holds if we don?t change our ways. That?s what we have science for. In recent years, observations have conf...

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Where Does Moral Courage Come From?

Readers of Fixes know that our primary mission each week is to highlight strategies that work to effect social change and improve lives. In her column last week, Tina Rosen...

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That is, it would be — if you didn’t have your own system down to a science of juggling clothes, hair and makeup with the 24/7 needs of your always-on job, plus...

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Ashley Judd Attends Friends Of The Global Fight Against AIDS, TB And Malaria Event

On Tuesday, Dec. 2, Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) co-hosted a special event to com...

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Why Increasing Antarctic Sea Ice Doesn't Mean Climate Change Isn't Happening

Antarctic sea ice reached a record high this year, topping 20 million square kilometers (nearly 8 million square miles) in September - a milestone it hadn't touched since 1...

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22-year-old's personal crusade on climate change

Carol Costello anchors the 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. ET edition of CNN's "Newsroom" each weekday. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author. (CNN) --...

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‘Superbugs’ Kill India’s Babies and Pose an Overseas Threat

AMRAVATI, India — A deadly epidemic that could have global implications is quietly sweeping India, and among its many victims are tens of thousands of newborns dying ...

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Climate change: India to pay dearly, says Royal Society

Warning that floods like the ones which ravaged Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Odisha are imminent between now and 2090, a report of The Royal Society, London, has suggested effe...

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Years Of Living Dangerously: Merchants Of Doubt hiding An Inconvenient Truth

Next December, 196 nations will meet in Paris to agree a course of action to respond to climate change. They will do so under the auspices of the UN framework convention on...

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It took only two days for Abbott's 'conversion' to climate change to be exposed

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's apparent, if modest, conversion to the idea that climate change was an "important subject" following talks with French president Francois Holla...

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