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Imagine what would happen when any one of the gods came down to earth? That?s just the crux of? SAB TV?s rib-tickling satire Yam Hain Hum. Yamraj, the god of death is disma...

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Climate change is not just an environmental issue

Ed Miliband

Tackling global warming is not just a global responsibility, argues the leader of the Labour party, it?s an economic necessity for Britain he general ...

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A television channel scan threw up an emerging change of dress code for women. The women characters ? mothers, mothers-in-law, bahus, etc. -- are wearing trendy outfits. Lo...

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Five ways to achieve climate justice Helena Kennedy

We are learning to see climate injustice. We see it in the distressing stories of lives destroyed, epic droughts, floods and typhoons, and families and whole peoples uproot...

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Ed Davey voices concerns over likelihood of strong climate change agreement

Energy and climate change secretary Ed Davey has revealed that the UK will be seeking a legally binding climate change agreement at negotiations later this year. However, h...

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Why there?s more to sustainability than 2015?s big global events

2015 promises two big milestones for sustainability: the launch of the new sustainable development goals (SDGs) in New York in Autumn, and the COP21 climate talks in Paris ...

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Why there?s more to sustainability than 2015?s big global events

2015 promises two big milestones for sustainability: the launch of the new sustainable development goals (SDGs) in New York in Autumn, and the COP21 climate talks in Paris ...

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International law stays silent on the responsibility for climate change

The United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as the 1992 agreement is known, has sent a yearly caravan of politicians, activists and lawyers to some of the worl...

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COP20 Climate change talks: EP delegation to attend Lima summit

A 12-strong delegation of MEPs will take part in the UN climate conference in Lima, Peru, from Monday to Friday. The 20th Conference of Parties (COP20) aims to set out the ...

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Six vital steps world leaders must agree to take to protect Earth

International talks in Paris in 2015 could see the world?s nations agree to limit global warming to a rise of 2C. Actually achieving that target will require huge commitmen...

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