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Stories that defined 2018 for Women around the World

Among all the gender bias, inequality, harassment and other delicate issues – 2018 was indeed a Year of the Women around the world. Hash tags such as #MeToo and #Time...

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Warm Spells and Absence of Ice triggers ‘Extirpation Event’

A record of slow ice freeze in the Arctic is causing a dreadful time for the polar bears, a new study published in The Guardian reveal...

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Toxic Air both Indoor and Outdoor kills 600,000 Children Each Year

The World Health Organization has revealed that the exposure to toxic air, indoor as well as outdoor, kills over some 600,000 children under th...

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Women’s Voices

It is always interesting to explore scenarios in rural or small town India, wherein women are able to negotiate some power for themselves, howe...

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ASHA workers can play a Significant Role in managing Non-communicable Diseases

India is a country where quality health care remains a privilege of the rich and influential. But a silent army of women, clad in pink sarees, ...

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Two Women and A Deity

A man ignores his wife and home because he is devoted to God; and the God he prays to, ignores his husbandly duties because he cares for his de...

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The Sisterhood of Suburbia

There is a popular saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Laura Weisberger’s characters in her book ...

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A New Drug to reduce Maternal Deaths during Childbirth

A recent World Bank data puts the maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for India reported in 2015 at 174 per 100,000 ...

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Daughter of The Sun

Circe, who was a footnote in male-dominated Greek mythological stories, is a full-blooded and fascinatingly str...

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India’s Maternal Mortality Rate on a Downward Trend

According to the Sample Registration System bulletin, which was released last Wednesday, the maternal mortality...

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