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Bill Gates aims for a Cleaner Planet

Bill Gates is a name that you will come across quite often when it comes to philanthropy and saving the planet. Thanks to Bill Gates' fundin...

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Wood: A powerful and valuable solution for Sustainable Structures

Wood is not associated with sustainability as we know that wood comes from forests — so typically, timber is associated with deforesta...

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Gates Foundation pledges $300M to help the World’s Poorest Farmers

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is teaming up with partners around the world to take on some tough challenges: extreme poverty and poor health in developing countries...

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Tomorrows Citizens take Matters in their Hands Today!

Louisiana has been losing coastal wetlands since at least the 1930s, but the long-term rate of land loss has slowed since its peak in the 1970s, and U.S. Geological Survey ...

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Cows produce more Greenhouse Gases than Cars

We've been blaming vehicles for causing global warming but not many know that livestock sector is one of the leading causes of climate change, responsible for more greenhou...

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#EyeOnClimate – to Make this World a Better Place to Live

Although climate change presents one of the greatest threats to the future of our children and our planet, many perceive this issue as distant and abstract. Naturally, peop...

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“Young People are not future leaders, they are Leaders already!” says Muhammad Yunus

"The capitalist system is a machine which sucks up wealth from the bottom to send it to the top" - Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneu...

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Kern Aggarwal and Ranjani Prabhakaran - Wedded to making a difference

Kern Agarwal and Ranjani Prabakaran, a couple from Chennai left their daily routine jobs to plunge full-time into organic farming. They took an initiative to promote organi...

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Apocalypse Now? ... Or Never!

“The time to answer the greatest challenge of our existence on this planet is now. You can make history or be vilified by it.” - Leonardo Di Caprio


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Rise in Carbon Emissions Linked to Rise in Heatwaves

A study that examined the impact of global climate change on the basis of wet bulb temperature (WBT), found a steady rise in occurrences of humid heat waves . Wet Bulb Temp...

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