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World Environment Day: Aditya Thackrey helps make Mumbai Greener

This World Environment Day, Sparkles Diamond Jewellery, a brand by Poddar Diamonds Limited joined hands with As...

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Breaking Down the Walls between Education Research and Schools

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi...

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Google @ my First Address in Life and its Fruity Lychee taste: MUZAFFARPUR

I have changed many addresses in life as an itinerant. When I click life@57, it is my first address in life and...

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Pre-conception Health of Fathers Does Matters

There's no doubt that there's a lot to be concerned about for people who are trying to conceive. Even though pr...

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Why Human Mind refuses to believe Facts

'The mind' most often refers to the seat of human consciousness. The the...

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Gene-Editing for a Healthier and Enhanced Future

Over the years we have significantly reduced deadly diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. The i...

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Everyday Household Items that cause Pollution

Engineering changes to car exhausts have dramatically reduced the amount of pollution produced per mile, meanin...

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The Sorry State of the Government Healthcare

At least 60 children died over five days at a government hospital in UP's Gorakhpur district due to oxygen shortages at the hospital. This w...

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The Loopholes in Mental Healthcare Act 2017

Mental Health has never been considered a "real disease" in India. When it comes to depression, people often joke about it by saying, "it's ...

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Facebook to launch AI based Suicide Prevention Program

Who would have thought a software could save lives? Facebook has come up with a new artificial intelligence technology that will scan all posts for patterns of suicidal tho...

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