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Adverse weather may affect food prices in India: World Bank

"Weather has played a role, alongside improved production prospects, in sustained price declines... However, deteriorating weather conditions and other uncertainties might ...

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Pentavalent vaccine gets clean chit, set for national scale-up

The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (NTAGI) has recommended scale-up of the pentavalent vaccine across the country, along with activities to monitor poten...

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UNICEF and Community Groups to Prioritise Action on Child Poverty in Australia

Even after times of economic well-being and stability around 600,000 or 17.3 per cent of Australia’s
children continue to live in impoverished conditions, as sta...

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Coach with Parkinson’s inspires on and off the field

Don Horton is currently coaching high school football, but he’s also coached in all three NCAA divisions, and more than a dozen of his former players made it to t...

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Obama: I take full responsibility for fixing health site

US President Barack Obama has accepted “full responsibility” for ensuring the troubled healthcare website gets fixed.

Speaking in Boston, he said he was...

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What is a connection?

In a world full of people, we still manage to relate to the experiences of others on a purely empathic level. Society has somehow distorted our ability to connect and has b...

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A Healthier Global Health Agenda

LONDON – On September 25, world leaders will meet in New York at a special session of the United Nations to chart a path to a new set of Sustainable Development Goals...

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Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan honoured for tackling social issues

Aamir Khan is huge in Bollywood, a superstar actor, director and producer, sometimes called the “Tom Hanks of India.”
But between films –- “Dho...

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Delivering World-Class Health Care, Affordably

India might be the last place on earth where you’d expect to find health care innovation. Government programs have finally brought some infectious diseases under cont...

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Drought followed by brain: How climate change spurred evolution of human intelligence

Scientists show shifts from dry to wet and back in East Africa’s Rift Valley caused the development of the human brain.

Humans evolved their ...

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