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MMR vaccine linked to lower rate of infection-related hospital admissions

In a nationwide group of Danish children, receipt of the live measles, mumps, andrubella (MMR) vaccine on schedule after vaccination for other common infections was associa...

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Most infant deaths in India occur on first day of birth

In spite of reducing child mortality, deaths of infants in India on the first day of birth is still way too high and likely to hamper it from achieving the millennium devel...

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Eliminating maternal mortality could extend life expectancy in reproductive ages

Maternal death rates represent the single largest health discrepancy between developed and developing populations, with nearly all – over 99%—maternal deaths wo...

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Global warming won’t cut winter deaths as hoped

Climate warming would likely not decrease winter mortality, the report suggested more volatile winters Global warming will fail to reduce high winter death rates as some of...

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The Circle of Life

the circle speaks, seeks a goal

a hole, carved off its own soul
trends! trends after trends
ad infinitum, without ends
some find it delicious
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Deaths caused by heat will rise to average of 7,000 a year in 2050

The number of deaths caused by extreme heat in the UK will more than treble by the middle of the century as a result of climate change and population growth, experts have s...

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Happily Ever After…?

A telegram announced her arrival into this world. Just three words, but how they changed our lives. I had to wait six months to see her. When my eyes fell upon her sleeping...

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Celebrating, The Pioneers Of Stunt Films

At the on going Kala Ghoda Festival, Vibhu  Kapoor of Gallery Beyond is showing a selection of Wadia Movietone’s films starring the  Fearless Nadia (Diamond...

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Cigarettes More Dangerous Than Ever: US Health Report

WASHINGTON: Smoking cigarettes can cause even more health problems than previously known, including liver and colon cancer, blindness, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction, s...

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Can alcohol cause cancer?

Alcohol, may not be far behind tobacco in terms of public health impact if a recent publication by The Lancetand a WHO report are to be believed. There a...

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