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Education Above All, Gavi Reach Underserved Communities With Education And Immunization

Sometimes the development world creates an opportunity for seemingly strange bedfellows. Such cross-sectoral collaborations between different organizations can then emerge ...

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Ashoka's Bill Drayton: Every Child Needs To Be A Changemaker

Everyone can be a changemaker and it is never too early too start. That is the premise that global non-profit Ashoka says is behind its new LeadYoung initiative, which seek...

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Meet The Woman Who Has Helped Over 10,000 Mentally Challenged Women Live With Dignity

Sonali Mughdar is a 25-year-old Mumbai resident living with hearing and speech impairments and an intellectual disability. Her father passed...

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These Women Took On Male-Dominated Workplaces And Emerged Inspirational Winners!

Access to sustainable paid employment is the key to women’s empowerment and capacity to exercise control over their lives. The Beijing Platform for Action had underli...

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Theatre Travels To Spaces Unlimited

There are two ways to look at the theatre scene in Hyderabad. One is to feel disappointed that the stage is still not on a par with Mumbai or Bengaluru. The other is to be ...

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19 NonFiction Books From 2016 That Will Expand Your Mind

While we do love our fiction at HuffPost Arts & Culture, 2016 ushered in ample nonfiction work that’s just as worthy of your time and eyeballs. What many need aft...

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Panels Should Be Proactive In Curbing Child Rights Violations

With crimes against children rising every year, a senior Supreme Court judge has urged the national and the state commissions for protection of child rights to play a proac...

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Starting In 2019, If Your Film Isn’t Diverse, It Won’t Be Eligible For BAFTA Award

In an incredibly bold move, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts announced last week that, beginning in 2019, works that do not demonstrate inclusivity in their ...

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This 16-Year-Old Is Changing Attitudes & Promoting Better Sanitation In The Slums Of Mumbai

For an outsider who steps into the slums of Govandi East for the first time, the smell that hits them first. Next they are greeted by the sight of open drainage lines that ...

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Human Rights Day: Here's How India Fares In Human Rights

On the 68th Human Rights Day, we have gathered some facts on the violation of human rights in India and around the world.Human Rights Day is celebrated, every year, on Dece...

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