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Commonwealth Bank sued in bid to reveal carbon pollution it finances

Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility launches proceedings after failing to force bank to put the issue up for shareholder vote A court case has been launched ag...

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Message to India from UN: empower city mayors to curb emissions

Global Compact of Mayors announced at New York climate meet to make cities sustainable; India out of the picture Making cities sustainable was one of the eight action areas...

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The UN climate summit reveals India's hypocrisy on saving forests

Environment minister argues for historical justice on cutting carbon, but denies it to tribes living in the country?s forests On Tuesday, India?s minister for environment, ...

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Record CO2 emissions committing world to dangerous climate change

Global greenhouse gas emissions on course to reach record high of over 40bn tonnes in 2014, study in Nature Geoscience says Children born today will see the world committed...

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Floods, drought and deadly heatwaves: Experts paint bleak picture of world's climate in 2050

Fictional futuristic TV weather reports are created for a UN summit to demonstrate the effects of global warming The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), headquartered ...

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Global warming has become normal climate to most

Global warming has been going on for so long that most people were not even born the last time the Earth was cooler than average in 1985 in a shift that is altering percept...

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Congress’s head-in-the-sand approach to climate change

ANY GOOD business executive knows that the world is full of risks, ignored at a company’s peril. Interest rates could spike. China could change its currency policy. C...

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Pay heed to water use in climate change mitigation: Experts

Besides cutting greenhouse gas emissions, technology, policies or plans that aim to slow down climate change should also take environmental factors such as water usage into...

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Vegetarian diets produce fewer greenhouse gases and increase longevity, say new studies

Consuming a plant-based diet results in a more sustainable environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, while improving longevity, according to new research from Loma ...

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Global warming one of world’s greatest challenges

Political Leaders In The UK And China Have Declared The Danger Of Global Warming To Be “One Of The Greatest Challenges Facing The World,” And Have Urged All The...

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