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Longtime Enemies Art and Science Unite to Promote Vaccination

Louis Pasteur, the father of the germ theory, probably didn’t pick up a paint brush in his spare time. And its unlikely Andy Warhol was very concerned about potential...

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An Alternative Exploration of Geopolitics

Hindsight is always 20/20. Subjective to the present, we often tend to overlook patterns and correlation until the objectivity parts the seas to a broader picture. It was o...

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India cheers its victory at climate change talks in Lima

The Lima agreement asks nations to commit to reducing greenhouse gases but recognizes that developing countries have 'differentiated responsibilities After 13 days of inten...

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‘Ashamed’ a short film promoted by Pocket Films goes viral

Mumbai, December, 2014: ‘Ashamed’ a short film promoted by ‘Pocket Films’ is a film with a powerful impact and les...

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Documentary, “Poison on the Platter”: GE Foods Are Spreading Across India

The corporate and regulatory forces that are out to get genetically engineered (GE) foods onto your dinner plate by any means possible are not confined to the United States...

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NFDC Film Bazaar 2014 closes, marks new beginnings

~Film Bazaar sessions and labs bridge the gap between global film industries ~
~ Some promising projects: ‘No Land’s Man’, ‘Proposition for a R...

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NFDC’s Film Bazaar Day 2 cements film collaborations and contracts

~ New segments, Writers Lab WIP Lab, Producers Lab a huge hit ~

Goa, Saturday, November 2​2 2014: National Film Devel...

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NFDC Film Bazaar Day 1: A Melting Pot of Film Cultures and Conversations

~ Day 1 brings new shades to the film bazaar with newer sections ~

~ International ...

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Uruguay urges rooting new sustainable development agenda in human rights

The basis of a new sustainable development agenda must be poverty eradication, rooted in a strong foundation of human rights and recognition of rights, Uruguay’s Fore...

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Vinta Nanda, the Founder & Managing Director of the Asian Center for Entertainment Ed...

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