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The Stow Away Who Touched Our Lives

As was customary, when our friend SD’s ship sailed into Bombay Harbor, my mother, brother and I visited his ship. As we headed towards the bridge, we saw two havaldar...

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T.I. To Bring Christmas Celebration To Atlanta Kids

On December 20th, T.I. will team up with fellow Atlanta rapper, Jeezy to host an unforgettable toy drive and evening of fun and celebration for more than 1,800 pre-register...

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Heidi Klum Hosts Creativity/Art Class At Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

On Tuesday, Heidi Klum hosted a holiday creativity party for the patients of ...

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WHO proposes ready-to-use food. Health experts don’t agree

THE World Health Organization (WHO) formulated new guidelines on November 27 to treat children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). These guidelines are to be used as an i...

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Industry must throw out its casting couch

Yesterday, this paper ran a front-page report about a television cameraman promising a young aspiring actress a break in television serials. His promises of course came on ...

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Thought Factory : Tedious Terrains

“Landscape is   . . .   
devoid of chance, and every falling leaf fulfils, as it falls, one of the greatest laws of the universe.”


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Greece at a Glance Policies for a Sustainable Recovery

The global economy appears to have turned the corner following the worst recession in the post-war period. However, all indications point to a slow and hesitant recovery, w...

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Celebrities' charity show for Uttarakhand victims

Not ending at donations, Bollywood biggies have further taken another step for helping the Uttarakhand flood victims. They will join hands with TV stars too for a charity e...

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Rio+20: Pursuing the ‘Sustainable Development’ Agenda?

Rio+20 comes at a critical juncture. Economic, social and environmental crises have worsened since 1992’s Earth Summit, with the impacts felt most by the po...

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As the Anil Kapoor produced and helmed 24 draws to a close this weekend, viewers are most likely to feel a tinge of withdrawal symptoms on Friday-Saturday nights.  On&...

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