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Reforms on Sexual Violence hardly reach Women with Disabilities

Research suggests that women with disabilities are more likely to experience domestic violence, emotional abuse...

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Want to punish Women with Power… Call them Witches!

Powerful women have been cast as witches in the past and this phenomenon continues to exist in the present time...

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The Disappearing Art of Conversation

Since the emergence of humans on the planet, conversation has been the cornerstone of human civilization. From the initial words exchanged r...

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Has Justice for Women in India Improved?

In 1890, a case of a Bengali child bride named Phulmani, who died following brutal conjugal intercourse went to trial in the Calcutta Sessio...

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Phantom Thread: Paul Thomas Anderson's Most Uncanny Yet Marvellous Film

His parables about cruel and powerful men have made him the most admired filmmaker alive, but they’ve had the side effect of making Paul Thomas Anderson se...

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The Talwars-Behind Closed Doors: The Unforgettable Crime

15/16 May, 2008. The night that gripped the nation with a strangely grim and unbelievable horror is etched in our memories like a chill, a g...

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Sanal Kumar Sasidharan: “There is nothing sexy about Durga in my film”.

The firebrand director shot to fame recently when his latest film S Durga was banned from being showcased as part of the Indian Panorama section in the 49th Read More

The Cobrador’s Stare

Debt collectors are known to be aggressive and sometimes violent, but what happens with a black-clad hooded figure does nothing but follow a defaulter around and stare at h...

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Haseena Parker

Cast: Shraddha Kapoor, Siddhanth Kapoor, Ankur Bhatia, Rajesh Tailang

Direction: Read More

No more ‘talaq, talaq, talaq’!

The Supreme Court on 22nd August 2017 struck down the Muslim practice of triple talaq, which allows men to instantly divorce their wives, as unconstitutional.


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