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‘Boy Erased’, a Film on the Memoir of Garrard Conley releases in India Tomorrow

Nicole Kidman's ‘Boy Erased’ will release in India on November 16. The film showcases a real-life teenager who is sent to a gay con...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Aleister Crowley: The Famous and Mystical Poet, Mountaineer and Writer

The son of a devout Christian couple, Edward Alexander Crowley, who was once called “the wickedest man in...

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A Classic Farce

It was the genius of Dario Fo that he could convert a grim tragedy into a farce that makes the audience laugh a...

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2018 So Far: The Songs that are Trending

The year in songs has been good so far. Probably because there is a staggering amount of music out there. Gone ...

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Society’s Gendered Double Standards for One’s Vulnerability

There was a time when men were dismissed as an ‘emotion-less’ gender. Because of the way boys are socialized, their ability to d...

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Project Sea Horse: Japan's Idea to Exploit Ocean's Power

The common image of Japan abroad is of a high-tech country — a place of robots and flashing neon lights and the latest beeping gadgets...

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Young Wild and Free – The Filmmakers of Tomorrow

Place: Saidpur Slums Patna, Bihar, India

The film: The Story of Kacharapur

Saidpur Slums in Patna is a place which has a dense population liv...

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Old Railway Coaches to shelter the Homeless this Winter

Winter is here! While we are lucky enough to spend the nights snugged up in a warm and cosy blanket, the down-and-outers don't even have a roof over their head. In November...

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The 12th Tasveer South Asian Film Festival focuses on Nepal this Year

Tasveer is a non-profit film & art organization. Its mission is to inspire social change through thought-provoking South Asian films, art, and storytelling. Read More