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Battery Dance’s new Powerhouse!

Battery Dance is a company dedicated to artistic excellence and social relevance by creating...

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Nostalgia - A rare interview of Mohammad Rafi

The legendary singer Mohammad Rafi's 93rd birth anniversary was held on December 24, 2017. To mark his birth anniversary, in his memory...

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“Care for Yourself”, Singer Shamir Bailey opens up about his Mental Illness

Shamir Bailey, American singer, and songwriter from Las Vegas, Nevada speaks openly about mental health issues and considers it normal. He almost quit music six months ago....

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Time is running out, was said 25 years ago by World's Leading Scientists

A document called “World Scientists' Warning to Humanity” released 25 years ago, in November 1992 warned us that human beings and the natural world are on a col...

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Remedying a Greek Tragedy

In a small corner of Athens in Greece, everyday, a group of migrant women gather- not to formulate protests or prepare speeches, but to teach.

Classes range from se...

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“Young People are not future leaders, they are Leaders already!” says Muhammad Yunus

"The capitalist system is a machine which sucks up wealth from the bottom to send it to the top" - Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi social entrepreneu...

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Dalit women in Rajasthan tortured, beaten and killed after being branded ‘Witches’

A sting operation was carried out in September by Ms. Ahluwalia, chairperson of Baal Evum Mahila Chetana Samiti, along with two women volunteers and a team of jour...

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Martin Scorsese teaches filmmaking online

"Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out" - Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese drew his first storyboard when he was eight. Today he’s a legenda...

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You think stars like Emma Stone & Jennifer Lawrence live fairytale lives? They suffer from anxiety and depression too...

Emma Stone appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and discussed her history of anxiety and panic attacks post-Oscar win. “I was a very, very, very an...

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Steven Wilson's To the Bone Cuts Deep

Maverick musician Steven Wilson recently released his fifth prog rock album, presenting ten all-new strummed out pop melodies.

Wilson, a native of the United Kingdo...

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