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New Study reveals that Flying Insects can carry Microplastics through Air

Flying insects are contaminating new environments and threatening birds and other creatures that eat the insects by eating microplastics in pol...

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Physically Challenged but Mentally Strong

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.  - Scott Hamilton

When you hear the term &ls...

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Communication and Community Engagement - Key to Disaster Response

"I've got six new blankets piled up," said a Nepali man after the horrific 2015 earthquake in Nepal while what he really needed was some water ...

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The Little Time Machine of Arambol, Goa

In a small part of Goa called Arambol lays a quiet and peaceful wellness retreat called Read More

Vaccination is Vital to stop the spread of Disease in the Community

Even if a small number of people are left unvaccinated, it can make a big difference. This would result in the ...

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Concerns about Sexual Assault and Harassment at Music Festivals

Music festivals are events where you can unwind, enjoy listening to performances by a variety of artists, down ...

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World Environment Day: Top Sustainability Stories

Over the past two decades, sustainability has become more than a fad or a buzzword. Research shows that sustain...

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Luke Wright's Outstanding 80s Indie Play

We all want something to believe in. It’s 1987 and Frankie Vah gorges on love, radical politics, and skuz...

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That's What Friends Are For

It is one of those happy miracles in the publishing world. Gail Honeyman was discovered through a writing compe...

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