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Opening Minds about Open Defecation

Open defecation, although, is on a decline worldwide, it is still widely practiced by 950 million open defecators in the world, 569 million of which are in India.


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Handmaid’s Tale: A Handcrafted Foreboding

Ever pictured what the future would look like? We all do. Or rather, we all visualize fleeting scenes of happy days being unrolled and harmony for mankind with flying cars ...

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The hills, they are burning elsewhere too…

Can you imagine a world without any shops or cars? Where the streets are empty except when a herd of people shouting slogans pass by the town square twice every day. A shor...

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Salim Asgarally’s latest offering - Innovative Idea’s Inked (III):

Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Fashion & Design are its key deliverables to young India.

I’ve heard many of Salim’s c...

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“Nothing fails like success,” said Karan Johar to the students at Whistling Woods International

~ The popular filmmaker candidly shared his experiences, learnings and knowledge during a film forum masterclass at the institute ~

Mumbai, 2n...

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“Black mirror” and the future with technology

Today in the era of technology humans cannot deny that technology plays an inherent role in shaping up their lives today. Whether this influence of technology has helped us...

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Gender equality at Workplace - more than just a moral Issue

Apart from the “human rights” aspect to gender equality at work, recent studies also suggest there being a beneficial financial and economic advantage by having...

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Kid Rock for US Senate?

Is this a joke or some sort of publicity stunt? Is something most people will question when they hear of musician Robert James Ritchie aka ‘Kid Rock’ announcing...

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Artsy-craftsy Homemakers of Mumbai

Artists who happen to be housewives are not something unheard of, but an artist mother-in-law-daughter-in-law combo is quite a rare dynamic. Vimla Soni (mother in law) and ...

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Big Switch: Teens Work on Leaving No Footprints Behind for the Future Generations

The world has been shedding its green skin interminably, courtesy human intervention in it’s natural process. But hitherto we were paying least attention to the lurki...

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