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KAMLESH PANDEY: Ballia to Bollywood via Ishtihaarpur

Aparajita Krishna goes with adman, writer Kamlesh Pandey on a long walk through his life and career, bringing back beautiful m...

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How Photo Pollution Is Impacting Planet Earth

We have lost our connection to the night-time skies, the stories woven into star-studded skies, the sense of stillness, the awe of the twinklin...

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Stayin’ Alive: Pt. Jasrajji

Senior musicians speak to Monarose Sheila Pereia, to pay their tributes to the great legend Pandit Jasrajji, who passed away o...

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#MeToo – Do Sexual Harassers keep Good Science from Happening?

 Boston University (BU) is investigating sexual harassment complaints made against a prominent Antarctic geologist by two of his former graduate students. The women al...

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Drumming in the Darkness

As the world readies itself to observe a complete solar eclipse on the 21st August 2017, several people in the United States are preparing themselves for a diffe...

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How far can humanity Advance?

You get grades in school and promotions at work but ever wonder how a civilizations performance is measured? The Kardashev scale is a method of measurin...

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New Research Says Dark Energy Doesn't Need To Exist

On Thursday, a team of researchers from Hungary's Eötvös Loránd University published research in which they claim that dark energy—the elusive substa...

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How To Share The Planet With Artificial Intelligence

Human-level intelligence is familiar in biological hardware—you’re using it now. Science and technology seem to be converging, from several directions, on the p...

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Experience The Milky Way In High Resolution Over Multiple Wavelengths

About 90 percent of the global population lives north of the equator, so it’s no wonder that the Southern Hemisphere often gets short-shift. But when it comes to stun...

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How Astronomers Will Actually Image The Solar System's Ninth Planet

The minds of space nerds around the world collectively exploded yesterday, after astronomers announced that there is likely an undiscovered Neptune-sized planet in the oute...

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